Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pit Bulls

Also shared by ManyMuddyPaws in her post Pitbulls and DreamEyce in her post Pit Bull Blues.

I love Pit Bulls. I have never met one who was not an immediate friend. I have met meaner Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus and Golden Retrievers. I would own one in a heartbeat if the chance came up. I hate how people are afraid of every Pit Bull that they see. It is not the breed that is bad, it is bad owners. Pit Bulls are not a bad breed. People just don’t understand them. The media has it all wrong. There are more dog bites from Alaskan Malamutes than Pit Bulls. But the news can't say that a cute little Malamute bit his owner, it has to be a Pit Bull. A dangerous breed. Pit Bulls are used in Police K-9 Training. If there were such a dangerous breed, would the government really use them to sniff out drugs? All of Michael Vick's dogs that people were able to rescue, even the fighters, are now Therapy Dogs. They work in hospitals and care facilities. No dog attacks there! I am planning on owning a Doberman Pinscher in the future. If a breed ban is presented, it is just a matter of time before another breed takes the place of the Pit Bull.

There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.

Pit Bull Blues

Dogmantics Dog Training TV Episode 2: Pitbulls

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